gamescom 2021: digital event a major success – promising outlook for the post-election political climate
gamescom 2021: digital event a major success – promising outlook for the post-election political climate
German games market grows by 27 per cent in the first six months of 2020
German games market grows by 27 per cent in the first six months of 2020
A 9 per cent gain: German games market shows significant growth in 2018
A 9 per cent gain: German games market shows significant growth in 2018
Federal budget includes 50 million euros for games funding for the first time
Federal budget includes 50 million euros for games funding for the first time
gamescom 2018 opens with world premieres
gamescom 2018 opens with world premieres
Four out of ten games are purchased as downloads
Four out of ten games are purchased as downloads
Merger of BIU and GAME: joint association represents the interests of the entire German games industry
Merger of BIU and GAME: joint association represents the interests of the entire German games industry
Games from Germany: market share remains stubbornly low
Games from Germany: market share remains stubbornly low
More game developers, more publishers: second gamescom Pitch & Match is a complete success
More game developers, more publishers: second gamescom Pitch & Match is a complete success
Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel is opening gamescom
Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel is opening gamescom