Games industry takes on challenges of corona crisis
Games industry takes on challenges of corona crisis
German games funding programme officially notified by the European Commission
German games funding programme officially notified by the European Commission
game association criticises new draft of the Protection of Young Persons Act
game association criticises new draft of the Protection of Young Persons Act
German games industry takes a stand for diversity
German games industry takes a stand for diversity
Germany to be represented for the first time at G-STAR in South Korea with joint exhibition space
Germany to be represented for the first time at G-STAR in South Korea with joint exhibition space
More digital, more diverse, more international: gamescom 2019 reaches more people around the world than ever before
More digital, more diverse, more international: gamescom 2019 reaches more people around the world than ever before
German games market experiences strong growth in first half of 2019
German games market experiences strong growth in first half of 2019
Proportion of sales attributable to German-developed games falls further
Proportion of sales attributable to German-developed games falls further
Despite strong market growth, employee number in German games industry drops
Despite strong market growth, employee number in German games industry drops
gamescom 2019 theme focuses on community
gamescom 2019 theme focuses on community