Smartphones are the most popular games platform
Smartphones are the most popular games platform
Applications open: game developers invited to register for ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’
Applications open: game developers invited to register for ‘Pitch & Match @ gamescom’
Sales through online services for gamers nearly doubled within one year
Sales through online services for gamers nearly doubled within one year
Germans’ interest in mobile games for smartphones and tablets continues to rise
Germans’ interest in mobile games for smartphones and tablets continues to rise
Christian Baur is new Head of gamescom & Events
Christian Baur is new Head of gamescom & Events
Close to 10 million gamers in Germany are 50 years and older
Close to 10 million gamers in Germany are 50 years and older
New guide to Germany as a games location published
New guide to Germany as a games location published
One in five Germans tunes into esports
One in five Germans tunes into esports
game incorporates devcom to yet better tap its high potential
game incorporates devcom to yet better tap its high potential
A complete success: third ‘Pitch & Match’ during gamescom impresses across the board
A complete success: third ‘Pitch & Match’ during gamescom impresses across the board